Corner Guards: Your First Best Defense Against Drywall Damage

by Boss Steel on November 02, 2018

Every good football team is made up of two basic teams within the main team: an offensive line and a defensive line. While the job of the offensive line is to move the ball down the field toward the goal, the defensive line is to stop the other team's offensive line from moving down the field toward their own goal. 

No one would think of creating a team that consists merely of defensive linemen. That would be just as silly as a facility manager waiting until something breaks to think about building maintenance.

Just as there's such as thing as an offensive line, there's also such a thing as preventative maintenance; and when it comes to keeping your drywall protected, corner guards are the first best choice to get the job done. 

Corner Guards: Your Best Offensive Line

With guards in place, you don't have to worry that daily wear and tear will ruin your drywall. Instead, you'll be able to turn your attention to other matters, firm in the knowledge that the corner guards are keeping damage at bay.

Perhaps that's why 40-50% of a business's operational budget is actually consumed by maintenance management! 

As they say, the best defense is a good offense.

We Can Help

Here at Boss Corner Guards, we love to hear that our products are making a difference in yearly budgets. By carrying guards in various sizes, styles, and thicknesses, we do what we can to help you beef up your maintenance department's offensive line and keep your annual costs low.

If you would like to hear more about our premium products, we invite you to contact us. We would be happy to discuss your particular needs and help you select the right guards.

We look forward to serving you.