School's Almost in Session: Have You Ordered Your Stainless Steel Corner Guards?

by Boss Steel on August 18, 2017

At the beginning of the summer, we reminded school facility managers that if they were planning to install corner guards along their building's interior edges, summer was the perfect time to consider getting the job done. After all, although most school facilities do see some foot traffic during the summer, things usually settle down between June and August. This is the best time to address long-range maintenance issues.

Once the fall rolls around, however, it's almost too late.

Everyone's already ramping up for a new year.

And let's face it: that new year is bound to include some wear and tear on the school building. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, this is only to be expected.

Because we know that routine and unexpected maintenance demands are bound to arise, every education organization must proactively develop and implement a plan for dealing with these inevitabilities. Thus, an organization must plan to meet the challenges of effective facilities maintenance. It is simply too big of a job to be addressed in a haphazard fashion. 

We love the use of the word proactive. 

That's the beauty of corner guards. They require only a minor investment to install, and once they're in place, they'll protect your vulnerable edge s for years to come. Installing stainless steel corner guards along the interiors of your school facility is one of the simplest and most effective steps you can take to prevent incidental scratches, scrapes, and gouges. 

In the long run, you'll save both time and money.

If you would like to discuss this further, or if you'd like to hear more about our other sizes and styles of corner guards, please feel free to contact us.